Friday, June 17, 2011

My First Bach Invention

After a couple of months, I have finally gained control of my first Bach invention (his #1). The first of many to come, I hope. I have long been familiar with his beautiful array of music but I had not played Bach prior to this piece. At first attempt, I was sure I would never get it. Bach may have had no problem composing and playing his works but I felt like I needed three hands to achieve what probably was child's play for him. I spent many an hour grinding away at the piece only to dissolve into tears and know that I would never get it. But as with my ballet, I always returned to the challenge and faced it head on, not letting it get the better of me. As a result, in short time, I turned the corner (as I frequently do) and came to really fall in love with his music as a pianist. It's challenging in so many ways. I find the intricacy quite fascinating, that is when it isn't driving me up the wall. His compositions (as anyone who knows Bach's works) are a showcase of his indescribable musical brilliance. It's very much like patting your head and rubbing your tummy at the same time. He was a genius and to be able to master even a simple piece of his gives me a wonderful feeling of accomplishment.

There is more work to be done on this piece, to be sure. There is one unfortunate pause (break) in the play, which I attributed to nerves, as I recorded this. It loses some of its original aural quality as it is recorded digitally on my piano. All I can say is "thank God, I'm not aspiring to Carnegie Hall". My living room will do just fine.

Note:  The prior recording that was logged here is not available.  I will have to establish a new recording, to be posted as soon as possible.  Thank you.

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